Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Victorian Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, Selectors' Invitation, Brian Reither Challenge - Association Croquet

Silver Medal Winners

The Victorian Silver Medal is an invitational Association Croquet event contested annually between players usually selected from division 1.

2024Bruce McComb
2023Lindsay Patullo
2022Andrew Wootton
2021Mignon Johnston
2020Lachlan Berryman
2019Kevin Maloney
2018Greg Hill
2017William Hadden
2016Ian Petersen
2015Josh Wilson
2014Gareth Bushill
2013Bob Roycroft
2012David Wren & Gareth Bushill
2011Don Ashton
2010Adrian Palmer
2009Colin Clark
2008Robert Fletcher
2007Shaun Nuske
2005Judy Beresford
2004Russell Shellie
2003Tricia Devlin
2002Gordon Cook
2001Dennis Thurgood
2000Kevin Beard
1999Kevin Geyer
1998Roger Bird
1997Ian Bassett
1996Simon Watkins

Bronze Medal Winners

The Victorian Bronze Medal is an invitational Association Croquet event contested annually between players usually selected from divisions 2 or above.

2024no event
2023no event
2022no event
2021Kevin Bluff
2020Ruth Duffy
2019Bruce McComb
2018John Grieve
2017Anthony Dask
2016Robert Rowan
2015Terry Hopkins
2014Josh Wilson
2013Bill Humphreys
2012Bill Humphreys
2011Noel Dealy
2010Chris Grant
2009Elaine Coverdale
2008John Van der Touw
2007Grant Marlor
2006Ray Davis
2005Alan Smith
2004Greg Freeman
2003Doug Neale
2002Greg Hill
2001Rob Mundy
2000Tom Kelson
1999Penny Krstev
1997Barbara Wheelhouse
1996Margaret Bird

Selectors' Invitation Winners

The Selectors' Invitation is an invitational Association Croquet event contested annually between players chosen by the Selectors.

2023no event
2022Lindsay Patullo
2019Simon Watkins
2018no event
2017Greg Hill
2016Terry Hopkins
2015Chris Grant
2014Josh Wilson
2013David Wren
2012Neil MacLachlan
2011Roger Bird
2010Tony Chew
2009Malcolm Fletcher
2008Greg Fletcher
2007Greg Fletcher
2006Miranda Morgan
2005Rod Kirk

Brian Reither Challenge

2024Greg Hill
2023Robert Fletcher
2022Robert Fletcher
2021Robert Fletcher