Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Goulburn Valley Croquet Association


Region Director
Marjorie Grant
0459 030338
grantmlo @ outlook . com

Region President
Margaret Gleeson
0438 499 427
goulburnvalleyca @ gmail . com

Region Secretary
Pauline Phillips
0417 845 633
goulburnvalleyca @ gmail . com

Region Treasurer
Leon Gebbing
0416 157 037
goulburnvalleyca @ gmail . com

All club contacts

Affiliated clubs

Deniliquin Lawn Tennis Club Inc Croquet Club

Euroa Croquet Club

Kyabram Croquet Club

Echuca Moama Croquet Club

Mooroopna Croquet Club

Numurkah Croquet Club

Rich River Croquet Club

Shepparton Croquet Club

Constitution document

Goulburn Valley Constitution

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Goulburn Valley information

GVCA AC Tournament May 2024

Our 2024 AC tournament was held May 23/24 at Rich River. Unfortunatly numbers were down this Year and only Section 2, 3, and 4 were held. the weather was kind and a great two days were enjoyed. congratulations to the winners. Section 2 Winner: Russell Smyth - Rich River 5 games +47 Runner-Up Chris Eiffert – Quarry Hill 5 games +40 Section 3 Winner: Bruce Shaw – Quarry Hill 3 games + 7 Runner-Up: John Alstin – Echuca Moama 2 games + 8 Section 4 Winner: Fred Littmann – Deniliquin 3 games + 19 Runner-Up: Bev Floyd – Rich River 3 games + 7

GVCA GC Open Singles May 2024

Our Golf Croquet Singles were held at Deniliquin this year in lovely Autumn conditions even if the wind was a little chilly on the Saturday. Congratulations to the winners. Division 1 Richard Parks (Williamstown)with runner up Peter Binks (Queenscliff). Division 2 was Greg Brierley (Echuca Moama) runner up Dave Maher (Rich River). Division 3 was Jan Tracy (Echuca Moama)Runner up Marjorie McKenzie (Queenscliff)

Vic AC Country Regionals

It was the GVCA’s turn to host the Victorian Country Regional AC Championships. Div 1 Stephen Forster of Geelong had a magnificent tournament, winning all 6 of his games by pegging out, one with a triple peel, and scoring the maximum number of hoops possible. He had a net hoop score of 135. Kenn Boal also had a great tournament, coming in second with 4 wins after pegging out in 3 games. His net hoop score was 59. Kim Collins of Geelong dominated in Div 2. He also won all 6 games, ending with a net hoop score of 44. Second place went to Ian Phillips of Gippsland who won 4 games with a net hoop score of 9. In Div 3 Russell Kelly of Geelong began the last game with 4 wins under his belt, against Michael North of Gippsland who had won 5. Russell won, pushing Michael into second place by scoring a very high 75 net hoops to Michael’s 29. Div 4’s winner was Naomi Patullo of Murray Valley who won all 6 of her games with a very worthy 45 net hoops. Runner up was Charles Armstrong.

GVCA GC Champion Of Champiosl

The GVCA Golf Croquet Championships were held at the Shepparton Croquet Club on the 3rd and 4th April 2024 in lovely Autumn conditions. Congratulations go to the winners Division 3 Gayle Dudgeon (Mooroopna) 6 wins 1 loss Division 2 Paul Murray (Euroa) 5 wins 1 loss Division 1 Russell Smyth (Rich River) 4 wins 1 loss Photo L to R are the winners. Margaret Gleeson Co-Tournament Manager, Gayle Dudgeon (Div3), Russ Smyth (Div1), Paul Murray (Div2) and Pauline Phillips Co-Tournament Manager

GVCA AC Champion of Champion 2

The AC Champion of Champions was held at the Rich River Croquet Club on the 19th / 20th March. Kenn Boal was the winner of section 1, John James Section 2, Lyle Carey from Mooroopna Section 3 and Fred Littmann From Deniliquin Section 4, All players will represent the GVCA in the Country Regionals to be held at the Rich River Croquet Club 7th to the 10th April 24

Tournament information

Information is displayed here for region tournaments from the current and previous seasons.

Association tournament info

GVCA Association Croquet Singles Tournament 2025

Tournament Notice not available.

(0.0 to 0.0) Dates 02 Aug 25 - 05 Aug 25

Contact - Bev Floyd 0400 799 987 floyds . kb @ bigpond . com

Goulburn Valley Croquet Association singles 2024

Winner (range 5.0 to 9.0)
Russell Smyth (Rich River)

Runner-up: Chris Eiffert (Quarry Hill)

Winner (range 10.0 to 14.0)
Bruce Shaw (Quarry Hill)

Runner-up: John Alstin (Echuca Moama)

Winner (range 16.0 to 20.0)
Fred Littmann (Deniliquin)

Runner-up: Beverley Floyd (Rich River)

Contact - Marjorie Grant 0459 030 338 grantmlo @ outlook . com

Country Regional Championships 2024

Winner (range -3.0 to 4.5)
Stephen Forster (Belmont)

Runner-up: Kenn Boal (Rich River)

Winner (range 5.0 to 9.0)
Kim Collins (Geelong Eastern Park)

Runner-up: Ian Phillips (Sale)

Winner (range 10.0 to 14.0)
Russell Kelly (Belmont)

Runner-up: Michael North (Traralgon)

Winner (range 16.0 to 20.0)
Naomi Patullo (Charlton)

Runner-up: Charles Armstrong (Traralgon)

Contact - Bev Floyd 0400799987 floyds . kb @ bigpond . com

Golf tournament info

Goulburn ValleyGCSingles 2025

Press the arrow button to view the Tournament Notice.

(-6.0 to 20.0) Dates 17 May 25 - 18 May 25

Contact - Margaret Gleeson 0438 499 427 margaret2gleeson @ hotmail . com

Goulburn Valley Croquet Association GC Singles 2024

Winner (range -6.0 to 20.0)
Richard Parks (Williamstown)

Runner-up: Peter Binks (Queenscliff)

Winner (range -6.0 to 20.0)
Gregory Brierley (Echuca Moama)

Runner-up: David Maher (Rich River)

Winner (range -6.0 to 20.0)
Janet Tracy (Echuca Moama)

Runner-up: Marjorie McKenzie (Queenscliff)

Contact - Cherie Lessing 0409 509 295 gvcasingles @ gmail . com