Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Northern District Croquet Association


Region Director
Damien Hadfield
northerndistrictcroquet @ gmail . com

Region President
Damien Hadfield
northerndistrictcroquet @ gmail . com

Region Secretary
Chris Eiffert
northerndistrictcroquet @ gmail . com

Region Treasurer
John Murdoch
treasurerndca @ gmail . com

All club contacts

Affiliated clubs

Golden Square Croquet Club

Kyneton Croquet Club

Macedon Ranges Croquet Club

Maldon Croquet Club

Quarry Hill Croquet Club

Constitution document

Northern District Constitution

Manage your region

Enter your region password to edit details of your region.


Northern District information

NDCA News and Meetings

Our Committee Meetings are held Quarterly June, September, December March, unless advised differently.

If members have an item for the Agenda please Email NDCA.

GC Regionals 2023

Representatives (L to R) Graham Smith (Kyneton) Damien Hadfield (Referee Kyneton) John Murdoch (Quarry Hill) Rick Janssen (Kyneton)

GC Regional Div 3 2023

Presentation of awards to Division 3 winner, John Murdoch (Quarry Hill). Runner-up Jenny Payne (Drysdale)

Fun day at Quarry Hill Primary

On Wed helpers from Golden Square ,Quarry Hill and Maldon went to Quarry Hill Primary School to introduce them to Croquet most of year 5-6 Pupils took part,positive feedback from teachers and students. On thursday teams from Golden Square primary took to the courts to Challenge other year 6 classes. 16 students took part a great day very encouraging to see some of the skills these children displayed. We hope to continue next year.