Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Helen Edwards (Monash)

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Association Croquet

Handicap: 22.0 (Index: 900)

Golf Croquet

Handicap: 5.0 (Index: 1507)


Photos of Helen

Victorian Tournament Successes

Traralgon Doubles (Golf) 2021/2022
With Omer Soydas (Monash)
Range: 10.0 to 17.0

Monash Handicap Doubles (Golf) 2021/2022
With Omer Soydas (Monash)
Range: -6.0 to 20.0

VCA Handicap Doubles Championship (Golf) 2021/2022
With Omer Soydas (Monash)
Range: -6.0 to 20.0

Monash Doubles (Golf) 2020/2021
With Omer Soydas (Monash)
Range: -6.0 to 20.0

Handicap Doubles (Golf) 2019/2020
With Kaye Molyneux (Monash)
Range: -6.0 to 20.0