Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Catherine Humphrey (Terang)

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Association Croquet

Handicap: 8.0 (Index: 1313)

Golf Croquet

Handicap: 4.0 (Index: 1593)


Photos of Catherine

Victorian Tournament Successes

Terang Gateball- doubles event (Gateball) 2024/2025
With Geoff Crook (SA)
Range: -3.0 to 20.0

Terang (Gateball) 2022/2023
With Alex Bell (Terang)
Range: -3.0 to 20.0

Winter Tournament (Association) 2019/2020
Range: 5.0 to 9.0

Open Tournament (Association) 2018/2019
Range: -3.0 to 20.0

Warrnambool Open (Association) 2011/2012
Range: 12.0 to 16.0

Annual Singles Tournament (Association) 2008/2009
Range: 10.0 to 12.0

Warrnambool Open (Association) 2014/2015
Range: 0.0 to 0.0