| Administrator Diana Dib Barbar (VCC) administration @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State AC Team Squad, Coach & Development Squad Stephen Forster (Belmont) profile s . forster26 @ iinet . net . au |
 | State Coordinator of Refereeing - GC John van der Touw (Monash) 03 9803 3433 jvandert @ bigpond . net . au |
 | State Coordinator of Refereeing - Ricochet Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) 0409 362947 ricochet @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Coordinator of Coaching Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) 0409 362947 coaching @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Coordinator of Ricochet Croquet Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) 0409 362947 ricochet @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Coordinator of Under 21 Croquet Kate Patrick (Brunswick) profile u21coordinator @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Coordinator of Gateball Philip Brown (Kew) 0412 040102 gateball @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | Assistant State Coordinator of Gateball David Pryor (Kew) gateball @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Handicapper of Association Croquet Mike Cohn (Kew) handicapsac @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Handicapper of Golf Croquet Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) 0409 362947 handicapsgc @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | State Handicap Recorder Ian McKee (Ballarat Alexandra) 0403 390108 handicaprecorder @ croquetvic . asn . au |
 | Investment Advisory Group David Ross (MCC) 03 9809 4013 dnross12 @ gmail . com |
 | Website Development Gareth Bushill (Website) profile webmaster @ croquetvic . asn . au |