Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria


State council
Committee of management

Kate Patrick (Brunswick) profile
president @ croquetvic . asn . au

Vice President
Stephen Forster (Belmont) profile
0402 303064
vicepresident @ croquetvic . asn . au

Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) profile
0467 954366
secretary @ croquetvic . asn . au

Claire Keating (Williamstown) profile
0407 847016
treasurer @ croquetvic . asn . au

Ordinary Member
Paul Coughlin (MCC) profile
03 9822 1828
coughlin8888 @ gmail . com

Ordinary Member
Rita Jenkins (Shepparton) profile
no email

Ordinary Member
Deb Newbold (Ringwood) profile
0426 881715
benbold @ primus . com . au

Ordinary Member
Ian Potter (Boort) profile
no email

Ordinary Member
Robin Russell (Brighton) profile
no email

State council
Regional directors

Ballarat and District
Pat Smith (Ballarat Alexandra) profile
patgra3333 @ gmail . com

Treesh Reeve (Elwood) profile not provided
patricia . reeve @ bigpond . com

Eastern Metro
Deb Newbold (Ringwood) profile
0426 881715
emca6director @ gmail . com

Janelle Morris (Belmont) profile not provided
vcadirector . geelong @ gmail . com

Tom Lacey (Wonthaggi) profile
0414 616365
thomas . g . lacey @ gmail . com

Patricia Devlin (Castlemaine) profile
no email

Goulburn Valley
Marjorie Grant (Rich River) profile
0459 030338
grantmlo @ outlook . com

Murray Valley
Ian Potter (Boort) profile
0427 554252
impotter1950 @ gmail . com

North Eastern
Sarina Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City) profile
0467 954366
regionaldirectornedca @ gmail . com

Northern District
Damien Hadfield (Kyneton) profile
northerndistrictcroquet @ gmail . com

South East Metro
Terri Manwaring (RNB) profile
0421 486890
terri . 12 @ bigpond . com

South Western
Russell Worland (Warrnambool) profile not provided
03 5561 5284
watertight @ ozemail . com . au

Western Metro Croquet and Malletsports
Kevin Beard (Brunswick) profile
0417 572232
kbeard64 @ gmail . com

Rachel Cousins (Horsham) profile not provided
no email

Appointed officers

Diana Dib Barbar (VCC)
administration @ croquetvic . asn . au

State AC Team Squad, Coach & Development Squad
Stephen Forster (Belmont) profile
s . forster26 @ iinet . net . au

State Coordinator of Refereeing - GC
John van der Touw (Monash)
03 9803 3433
jvandert @ bigpond . net . au

State Coordinator of Refereeing - Ricochet
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City)
0409 362947
ricochet @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Coordinator of Coaching
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City)
0409 362947
coaching @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Coordinator of Ricochet Croquet
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City)
0409 362947
ricochet @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Coordinator of Under 21 Croquet
Kate Patrick (Brunswick) profile
u21coordinator @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Coordinator of Gateball
Philip Brown (Kew)
0412 040102
gateball @ croquetvic . asn . au

Assistant State Coordinator of Gateball
David Pryor (Kew)
gateball @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Handicapper of Association Croquet
Mike Cohn (Kew)
handicapsac @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Handicapper of Golf Croquet
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt (Twin City)
0409 362947
handicapsgc @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Handicap Recorder
Ian McKee (Ballarat Alexandra)
0403 390108
handicaprecorder @ croquetvic . asn . au

Investment Advisory Group
David Ross (MCC)
03 9809 4013
dnross12 @ gmail . com

Website Development
Gareth Bushill (Website) profile
webmaster @ croquetvic . asn . au