Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria


Earlier news


Victorian State Team named for the Eire Cup

The Victorian State Team is now finalised and will contest the annual Eire Cup teams tournament against the other states from 15 to 19 March at the Victorian Croquet Centre, Cairnlea.

Team members are:

Men: Chris Grant (captain), Stephen Forster, Kevin Beard and Greg Hill.
Reserve Andrew Wootton. 

Women: Patricia Devlin (vice-captain), Christine Eiffert, Lois Kirk and Mignon Johnston.
Reserve Elaine Coverdale.



The VCA held their annual Association Croquet Gold Cup, Silver Shield and Bronze Shield at Cairnlea over the weekend of the 25th and 26th of February.

The lawns are lovely, particularly for this time of year and the fresh green Courts were a welcome sight on a very hot and windy Saturday morning. Each Event had a round robin of 8 players and competition was fierce. It’s a beautiful thing to see all 12 lawns in action and the quality of play was extremely high in all 3 competitions. Players have all given the Selectors notice that AC is alive and well in Victoria. Many had travelled in order to take part and I thank everyone for competing with such good spirit and friendly attitudes – at the same time, with no quarter given and hard fought victories all weekend. There were a few peg-outs, but for the most part, every pair battled until the clocks said “no more!”.

The Gold Cup was won by Kevin Beard who completed his round robin undefeated to take home the silverware – well, in this case, the Gold! The runner up was Stephen Forster with 5 wins, winning a game clear of the competition.

The Silver Shield was taken home by Tricia Devlin with 6 wins, with Elaine Coverdale as the Runner-Up winning 5 games.

Mignon Johnston won the Bronze Shield with 5 wins and +44 nett hoops and the Runner-Up was Kim Collins on 5 wins with +21 nett hoops




Current news

News Date: 2023-03-01
Posted by: Kate Patrick
Posted on: 2023-03-01
News Type: Association

National AC events in March at the Victorian Croquet Centre

This March it is Croquet Victoria's turn to host an annual series of national Association Croquet events:

8 to 10 March Croquet Australia AC Gold Medal
11 to 14 March Croquet Australia AC Mens and Womens Open
16 to 19 March Eire Cup - AC interstate teams competition.

Interested members are invited to come along and watch (and/or help out). All play is at the Victorian Croquet Centre. Play starts at 8 am and continues till dusk. An opportunity to watch the best AC players from across Australia... 

You may also like to book to join the teams for two celebratory events! Click the link to make your booking. 

5 - 6.30 pm Friday 10 March
BBQ at the Victorian Croquet Centre - $18 / head
Bookings close Thursday 9 March

6.30 -10.30 pm Sunday 19 March
Dinner and presentation of the Eire Cup to the winning team - $85 / head
Bookings close Tuesday 7 March

Queries to Katrina Petersen, Tournament Manager, at

Kate Patrick
Croquet Victoria


Later news



The Match Committee organised our annual Singles Championships which began at 10.30am on a very pleasant Monday morning.

ACA cards were used, level play, 13 hoop games 1st to 7.

There were 13 entries in total, Div.1-4, Div.2-5, Div.3-4 Most games were very closely contested with our Referees keeping an “eagle eye upon”



Division 1- Winner Glenn Price 2 games 20 hoops                                                R/up Ian Rees 2games 17 hoops




2023 Interstate Cup Program

A revised version of the 2023 Interstate Cup Program is now available for download.

This includes changes to the SA Eire Cup Team, clarifications re ties in the Gold + Silver Medals, and some other minor revisions.

Peter Freer, ACA Events

Event Program
