Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Golf Croquet

Golf croquet

Golf Croquet is a much simpler and quicker version of the game, but can be just as exciting. it has a completely different set of rules and tactics.

The object is to score hoops in the same order as in Association Croquet. There are no extra turns for going through hoops or hitting other balls although opposing balls can be knocked out of the way. When a player scores a hoop, all play is then to the next hoop.

The first player to score seven hoops wins the game, which usually takes 45-60 minutes.

Main Changes in the new Golf Croquet Rules

Golf croquet links

VCA GC Regional Championships

Get more information

To find and contact a club near you, use the Club Finder.

For resources to help grow your club see Growing Croquet in Victoria.

For the latest rules, see Sixth Edition Rules and Official Rulings.

For refereeing accreditation procedure see Golf Croquet Referee Accreditation

Please contact the State Coordinator if you have other questions.

State Coordinator of Golf Croquet
Position Vacant
no email

State Coordinator of Under 21 Croquet
Kate Patrick
u21coordinator @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Handicapper of Golf Croquet
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt
0409 362947
handicapsgc @ croquetvic . asn . au

State Coordinator of Coaching
Maurice Cevaal-Hewitt
0409 362947
coaching @ croquetvic . asn . au

Golf Croquet State Team and Squad

Golf croquet news



Last day of GC Interstate shield today. 

Noosa is hosting Vic versus Qld.

Early start for all due to an Ironman triathlon in Maroochydore/ Coolum blocking major roads.

Beautiful clear day with no wind.




Interstate Team - 4th September 2024

Pictured are Andy Barbaro (Wangaratta) and Claire Keating (Williamstown) who convincingly won their doubles match yesterday, today in combat with Tassie.




Interstate Shield

Last night (3rd September 2024) saw the presentation of teams held at Caloundra Qld.

Today under slightly cloudy conditions the team are preparing to play SA our 1st opponent.




New Rules online GC Rules

The WCF are pleased to be able to launch this new resource – an Online GC Rules Training and Study Pack. Comprising 28 individual modules, including videos, the complete rules of GC are covered in one Study Pack. There are separate modules aimed at those wishing to train towards becoming a referee.


To submit a news item, email  news @ croquetvic . asn . au

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