Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Director Profile - Tom Lacey

Director Profile - Tom Lacey

Position: Regional Director - Gippsland

Appointed: 01/06/2023

Re-elected: N/A

Term Expires: 2025 AGM

Description of Background/Expertise

  1. (Previously) Human Resources, Employment Relations Consultant for not-for-profit and Local Government organisations
  2. Policy writing, interpretation
  3. Employment dispute manager/advisor
  4. Recruiter for International Volunteerism
  5. Completed 2 year international development volunteer assignment, Zimbabwe, 2000 - 2002
  6. Member, chairperson on Social Groups' committees

Interest and Involvement in the Sport

  1. Playing member since 2019
  2. Referee since 2021, officiating at various clubs' tournaments as well at VCC for Australian Open, Victoria Champs etc
  3. Informal Mentor for new referee before, and after, their qualification
  4. Regularly play in tournaments throughout Victoria, and played socially in NSW, Queensland and New Zealand
  5. Vice President Wonthaggi Croquet Club
  6. Responsible for Wonthaggi Croquet Club Grants submissions to Local Council, SRV and other organisations

Sub-Committee Involvement

Recently joined Risk Management subcommittee

Joined Nominations subcommittee

Profile last updated on 15/09/2024