Sport Australia has developed a new Coaching Plan Template to complement the Community Coaching & Essential Skills course. Use the template as you progress through the course, after you complete it, or when you want to review and reflect on your coaching. It can be downloaded from module 4 here: Community Coaching Essential Skills | Australian Sports Commission [ausport.com.au] Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) has introduced a Child Safeguarding in Sport eLearning Course, which is available from the SIA eLearning website at https://elearning.sportintegrity.gov.au/. The Croquet Australia Board strongly encourages all members with contact with children and especially all coaches and referees, whom Croquet Australia policies require to hold WWCC, to complete this course. Whilst Croquet Victoria is reviewing its own Child Safe Code of Conduct, please read and follow the Sport Integrity Australia Children and Young People Safe Practices Do's and Don'ts when we engage with young people in our sport.
Croquet Australia has an Please send the completed form to coachingnull@nullcroquetvic.asn.au including a copy of your WWCC certificate. To be eligible for training as a coach there are certain pre-requisites that MUST be met before attending any coaching program. Please review the Eligibility for Training section (starting on page 3 of the application form) to make sure you meet the criteria before applying.
All existing coaches should already be using their logbook to keep an up-to-date record of their coaching activities. The new National Coaching Program requires all coaches to log their coaching hours, in order to meet SportAus requirements for record-keeping.
Please note: A valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) is now an ACA prerequisite for attendance at all coach training. Coaches, even non-certified members who are coaching U18s require WWCC, as it is classed as child-related work, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. Anyone who is in any way imparting knowledge is deemed to be working with children. Clubs that run programs for school groups, youth groups etc, will require all members who coach the youth to have WWCC; this includes school groups accompanied by Dept. of Education members/employees who previously supervised club members' contact. WWCC Victoria [workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au] WWCC NSW [service.nsw.gov.au]
Two papers by Jenny Clarke
Aussie Croquet - A Mallet Sport for Schools
Contact the State Coordinator of Coaching for more information.
This is a list of Certified Coaches in Victoria on 09 Feb 2025. P denotes a Presenter/Assessor.