66-110 McNairn Road, Traralgon. Show location on Google maps (new window)
Social Play 12:45pm for play from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Tuesdays and Saturdays for both Association and Golf Croquet. Visitors always welcome. Coaching Available by appointment for all age groups - please contact the club. The 'Play Croquet Course' will be 4 X 1 hour lessons over 4 weeks at a total cost of $10. These are to be held on Tuesday or Saturday to suit the individual. Wednesday Night Croquet Under Lights runs during Day-Light-Savings:Due to commence again on the 4th October 2023 6:30 for 6:45 start. Ideal for those with work and family commitments during the week day and on weekends. Social "try croquet" events available for social clubs, work groups, community service organisations, other sporting clubs, etc. - by arrangement, please contact the club.
Postal Address Clubhouse Phone
Enter your club password to manage your club details or list of members. This club page has been accessed 26233 times since 25 April 2015
Association Singles Tournament 23rd - 24th November 2024. Association Croquet Singles Handicap Tournament 4th - 5th January 2025. Golf Croquet Singles Tournament 8th - 9th February 2025. Association Croquet Singles Tournament 27th -28th April 2024. Ricochet Singles ?? May 2025. Ricochet Doubles ?? May 2025. Association Hi/Lo Doubles Tournament Mon - Tue 12th-13th May 2025. Golf Croquet Doubles 7th - 8th June 2025. Come & Try Day - Sunday 6th October 2025 10.00am start. ![]()
Wednesday Night Golf Croquet Under Lights during Daylight Savings 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start. Beginners welcome and coaching available. Equipment provided. Groups encouraged. $10 per night, supper provided. Ideal for those with work and family commitments at other times This program commenced in 2019 with the aid of a Vic-health Active Club Grant and the This Girl Can program. Traralgon Croquet Club pictured below. ![]()
Member Story:"I was first introduced to croquet when I was at High School when we tried some different sports. I liked the game but there was not time to commit to the sport. Fifty years later I saw an advertisement on Facebook and in the local newspaper for a Try Out Day. My friend and I attended and felt very welcome as soon as we walked in the gate. We were set up with a game with some experienced players. The members were encouraging and taught us some skills of the game.My friend and I are very keen and have now joined the Croquet Club and are making steady progress in the skills of the game." Lynette Taylor.
Jenny Tulloch, Helen & Peter Van Berkel,Margaret La Frenz & Steve Tulloch.
Information is displayed here for club tournaments from the current and previous seasons.
Traralgon Association Singles (2024/2025 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Charles Armstrong 0408618143 armstrongcharles2000 @ gmail . com
Traralgon Hi-Lo Doubles (2024/2025 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Dates 12 May 25 - 13 May 25Contact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Handicap Singles (2024/2025 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon High/Low Doubles - Association (2023/2024 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Singles (2023/2024 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Handicap Singles (2023/2024 season)
Contact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Doubles (2024/2025 season)Press the PDF button to see the Tournament Notice. (-6.0 to 20.0) Dates 07 Jun 25 - 08 Jun 25Contact - Lynette Taylor 0419344300 lyntaycroquet @ gmail . com
Traralgon Singles (2024/2025 season)
Contact - Lynette Taylor 0419344300 lyntay10 @ bigpond . com
Traralgon Doubles (2024/2025 season)
Contact - Lynette Taylor 0419 344 300 lyntay10 @ bigpond . com Traralgon Doubles (2023/2024 season) (Cancelled or Postponed) Contact - Lynette Taylor 0419344300 lyntay10 @ bigpond . com
Traralgon Singles (2023/2024 season)
Contact - Lynette Taylor 0419344300 lyntay10 @ bigpond . com
Traralgon Ricochet Singles (2024/2025 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Dates 26 Jul 25 - 27 Jul 25Contact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Ricochet Doubles (2024/2025 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Dates 26 Jun 25 - 27 Jun 25Contact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Doubles - Ricochet (2023/2024 season)(-3.0 to 20.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Ricochet Singles -3 to 18 (2023/2024 season)(6.0 to 14.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au
Traralgon Ricochet Singles 0 - 5 (2023/2024 season)(0.0 to 5.0) Complete - awaiting resultsContact - Joy Davis 0417 567 033 rjdavis @ wideband . net . au