VCA Headquarters
65 Nobel Banks Drive
Cairnlea Vic 3023
Show location on Google maps (new window) Welcome to Brimbank, we look forward to welcoming you for a game of the best sport going round, fresh air exercise and good friendships. Brimbank croquet club members
pride themselves on being the friendly club and look forward to making your acquaintance.
We offer you three games of complimentary croquet with coaching so that you can understand the game and get enthusiastic about joining us. Playing days are Tuesday, and Thursday, commencing at 9:30 AM. Saturdays commencing at 1.00 PM. Cuppa and social catchup to follow games.
Associate Members are welcome to apply for membership,
Health. If you have any concerns about your health and playing croquet perhaps have a chat to your doctor and get a clearance. Croquet is a low impact sport played on flat ground at a comfortable pace, with minimal bending. | Club President Trevor Turner no email | | Club Secretary Trevor Turner 0400 151 115 bbcroquetclub @ gmail . com | | Club Contact Trevor Turner 0400 151 115 bbcroquetclub @ gmail . com |
Full Members List Postal Address 15 Lachlan Court, Sunbury, 3429 Clubhouse Phone 0413 614 668 Enter your club password to manage your club details or list of members.
This club page has been accessed 13452 times since 25 April 2015 Brimbank photo gallery BRIMBANK CROQUET CLUB
We have the use of magnificent courts and facilities of the Victorian Croquet association.
We offer a friendly environment and members willing to guide you through the game
Currently Golf is the game of choice for most members, but there is opportunity to learn other games of croquet, Gateball ( played in a team), Association, Aussie and Ricochet.
Brimbank are proud of their record of appearing in four grand finals over 4 seasons with two wins.
Brimbank includes members who enjoy competing in tournaments and competitions while others come along for a social game and don't want to enter competitions. Our aim is for us all to value and support each other.
Croquet is a challenging game to play that is tactical using strategies and planning ahead to plan your shots.
Croquet is an easy sport to play, and is suitable for all levels of fitness. Games are normally timed to 50 minutes of active play on the grass courts.
Information is displayed here for club tournaments from the current and previous seasons.
Association tournament info